Event: 20180118-044814

At 11:48 PM Eastern Standard Time (2018 Jan 18 04:48 UTC), there was a bright fireball reported by numerous observers in the mid-western states. It was detected by 2 NASA all sky cameras at Hiram and Oberlin Colleges, both in Ohio. An analysis of the data reveals that the meteor was first observed 55 miles above the town of Greenfield, just east of Indianapolis. Moving almost due west at a fast 112,000 miles per hour, the 2” diameter cometary fragment completely ablated 29 miles above the Indianapolis suburb of Clermont. This event did not produce meteorites, and is completely unrelated to yesterday’s fireball over Michigan, which had an asteroidal origin.

NASA Images and Videos

Meteoroid Orbit

Event Data

Event ID 20180118-044814
Date (UTC) Jan. 18, 2018
Time (UTC) 04:48:14
AMS Event 206-2018
Size 2 inches
Origin Asteroidal
NASA Camera Start Lat/Lon +39.776, -85.739
NASA Camera End Lat/Lon +39.820, -86.355
NASA Camera Altitude 89.9 km → 46.5 km ( 55.8 miles→ 28.9 miles)
NASA Camera Speed 50.3 km/s (112,500 mph)
Chicken Little Start Lat/Lon +40.468, -85.562
Chicken Little End Lat/Lon +40.324, -85.707
Chicken Little Altitude 110.1 km → 82.1 km ( 68.4 miles→ 51.0 miles)
Chicken Little Speed 17.4 km/s (38,900 mph)