Event: 20180830-040149

Over a hundred eyewitnesses in the northeastern states reported seeing a bright meteor around 12:02 AM Eastern Daylight Time (2018 August 30 04:02 UTC). Analysis of these accounts shows that the fireball fragmented at an altitude of 25 miles above the Atlantic, some 44 miles south of the town of Montauk on the NE tip of Long Island. It was moving at 45,000 miles per hour at the time of the break up, which occurred just over 2 seconds after its first sighting at an altitude of 55 miles.

Event Data

Event ID 20180830-040149
Date (UTC) Aug. 30, 2018
Time (UTC) 04:01:49
AMS Event 3313-2018
Chicken Little Start Lat/Lon +40.749, -71.860
Chicken Little End Lat/Lon +40.906, -72.026
Chicken Little Altitude 109.9 km → 63.6 km ( 68.3 miles→ 39.5 miles)
Chicken Little Speed 23.5 km/s (52,600 mph)