Event: 20190116-223500

A fireball was reported off the coast of Massachusetts at around 5:33 PM Eastern Standard Time (2019 January 16 22:33 UTC) by about 60 eyewitnesses scattered from southern Maine down to Rhode Island, and as far inland as eastern New York. Analysis of the eyewitness data puts the initial sighting of this meteor at an altitude of 57 miles off the coast of Maine, about 63 miles southeast of the town of Portland. Moving southwest at 65,000 miles per hour, the object ablated 29 miles above the Atlantic Ocean, 30 miles to the east of Rockport, Massachusetts.

Event Data

Event ID 20190116-223500
Date (UTC) Jan. 16, 2019
Time (UTC) 22:35:00
AMS Event 244-2019
Chicken Little Start Lat/Lon +43.383, -69.059
Chicken Little End Lat/Lon +42.668, -70.035
Chicken Little Altitude 91.1 km → 47.4 km ( 56.6 miles→ 29.4 miles)
Chicken Little Speed 28.5 km/s (63,800 mph)