Event: 20190327-002950

Numerous eyewitnesses in the states of Ohio, Pennsylvania, Michigan, and New York reported seeing a fireball on March 26th at 8:30 PM Eastern Daylight Time (2019 March 27 00:30 UTC). The meteor was also observed by 5 all sky cameras in the region (2 NASA, 3 belonging to the Southern Ontario Meteor Network) and analysis of the data from the systems has permitted the determination of a precise trajectory. The meteor was initially detected at an altitude of 50 miles above the Canadian town of Port Colborne (near Niagara Falls), moving west northwest at a relatively slow 32,400 miles per hour. It ablated 27 miles above the hamlet of Wellandport. The peak magnitude of this fireball was measured to be -8, placing its brightness between that of a crescent and quarter Moon. Combining this with the speed of the meteor results in a diameter estimate of 9 inches and weight around 30 pounds. The orbit is characteristic of an asteroid, with a perihelion just inside Earth's orbit and an aphelion in the main asteroid belt between Mars and Jupiter.

NASA Images and Videos

Meteoroid Orbit

Event Data

Event ID 20190327-002950
Date (UTC) March 27, 2019
Time (UTC) 00:29:50
AMS Event 1388-2019
Magnitude -8.0
Origin asteroid
NASA Camera Start Lat/Lon +42.899, -79.236
NASA Camera End Lat/Lon +43.015, -79.481
NASA Camera Altitude 81.5 km → 43.6 km ( 50.7 miles→ 27.1 miles)
NASA Camera Speed 14.5 km/s (32,400 mph)
Chicken Little Start Lat/Lon +42.712, -78.852
Chicken Little End Lat/Lon +43.063, -79.609
Chicken Little Altitude 81.8 km → 54.3 km ( 50.8 miles→ 33.8 miles)
Chicken Little Speed 24.6 km/s (55,000 mph)