Event: 20190819-005410

Numerous eyewitnesses in the southeastern United States reported seeing a bright fireball just before 9 PM Eastern Daylight Time on Sunday, August 18, 2019. It was also detected by two all sky cameras in the area - one operated by NASA at the Pisgah Astronomical Research Institute (PARI) and the other at Ex Nihilo Observatory near Winder, Georgia. Data from these cameras establish the time of the event at 8:54:10 PM Eastern Daylight Time (2019 August 19 00:54:10 UTC), and, when combined with the eyewitness accounts, help reconstruct the meteor's trajectory. The fireball first became visible 60 miles above Washington Highway east of Union Point, Georgia, moving to the southwest at 67,000 miles per hour. After traveling 16 miles though Earth's atmosphere (passing over Interstate 20), the object - estimated to be about 4 inches in diameter and weighing about 2 pounds - completely ablated ("burned up") at an altitude of 27 miles above Veazey Road, due west from the Georgia town of White Plains. At its peak, the fireball was about as bright as a 1st Quarter Moon.

NASA Images and Videos

Event Data

Event ID 20190819-005410
Date (UTC) Aug. 19, 2019
Time (UTC) 00:54:10
AMS Event 3853-2019
Size 2 lbs
Chicken Little Start Lat/Lon +33.643, -82.989
Chicken Little End Lat/Lon +33.453, -83.121
Chicken Little Altitude 95.7 km → 43.3 km ( 59.4 miles→ 26.9 miles)
Chicken Little Speed 30.0 km/s (67,100 mph)