Event: 20191205-012800

On 2019 December 4 at 7:28 PM (2019 December 5 01:28 UTC), members of the public in the SouthEastern states (Mississippi, Alabama, Tennessee, Georgia and the Carolinas) reported seeing a bright fireball, which was also detected by 4 NASA all sky meteor cameras in the region (located at MSFC, the James Smith Planetarium in Chickamauga, GA, the Tellus Science Museum in Cartersville, GA, and the Pisgah Astronomical Research Institute in North Carolina). An analysis of the video data shows that the meteor began to ablate at an altitude of 49 miles above Childersburg, Alabama, travelling to the northwest at 36,000 miles per hour. It disintegrated 27 miles above the intersection of Targum Road and state highway 36 in Morgan County, Alabama. Orbit and brightness indicate that the fireball was caused by a fragment of an asteroid about 4 inches in diameter, weighing approximately 3 pounds.

NASA Images and Videos

Desert Fireball Network Camera

Camera hardware courtesy of the Desert Fireball Network

Meteoroid Orbit

Other Videos

Event Data

Event ID 20191205-012800
Date (UTC) Dec. 5, 2019
Time (UTC) 01:28:00
AMS Event 6164-2019
Size 0.1 m
Origin asteroid
NASA Camera Start Lat/Lon +33.385, -86.405
NASA Camera End Lat/Lon +34.002, -86.906
NASA Camera Altitude 75.1 km → 60.3 km ( 46.7 miles→ 37.5 miles)
NASA Camera Speed 16.4 km/s (36,600 mph)
Chicken Little Start Lat/Lon +33.607, -86.186
Chicken Little End Lat/Lon +34.482, -86.659
Chicken Little Altitude 89.6 km → 47.3 km ( 55.7 miles→ 29.4 miles)
Chicken Little Speed 25.5 km/s (57,000 mph)