Event: 20211124-010447

On November 23, 2021 at 8:05 PM Eastern Standard Time (2021 November 24 01:05 UTC), approximately 100 members of the public in Pennsylvania and the surrounding states observed a fireball with a brightness close to that of a quarter Moon. It was also detected by 1 NASA all-sky meteor camera in Pittsburgh, an all-sky meteor camera in southern Ontario operated by Western University, and several other publicly streamed cameras including an EarthCam at Niagara Falls. Analysis of the meteor camera videos shows that the fireball was produced by an object 3 inches in diameter weighing about 1.5 pounds. It first became visible 43 miles above the city of Wilkes-Barre, Pennsylvania, traveling to the north at 33,000 miles per hour at a steep down angle. The meteor dissipated at an altitude of 27 miles just west of Center Moreland, Pennsylvania. The event was very close to the horizon in both meteor cameras, which makes orbit analysis more problematic, but this fireball was likely caused by an asteroidal object.

Images and Video from NASA and Western University's Southern Ontario Meteor Network

Other Videos

Event Data

Event ID 20211124-010447
Date (UTC) Nov. 24, 2021
Time (UTC) 01:04:47
AMS Event 8052-2021
Size 3 inches or 1.5 lbs
Origin likely asteroidal
NASA Camera Start Lat/Lon +41.243, -75.894
NASA Camera End Lat/Lon +41.421, -75.961
NASA Camera Altitude 69.5 km → 42.9 km ( 43.2 miles→ 26.7 miles)
NASA Camera Speed 14.6 km/s (32,700 mph)