Event: 20211201-031754

On November 30, 2021 at 9:18 PM Central Standard Time (2021 December 1 3:18 UTC), numerous eyewitnesses in the several states reported seeing a very bright fireball. It was detected by all 5 NASA meteor cameras in the SouthEast; an analysis of the video shows that the object -- a piece of a comet about a foot in diameter and weighing approximately 60 pounds -- began to ablate 55 miles above some fields south of the town of Hillsboro in middle Tennessee. Moving southwest at 62,000 miles per hour, the meteor only managed to travel some 27 miles through the atmosphere before disintegrating 22 miles above Tims Ford State Park. At its peak, the fireball was brighter than the Full Moon, explaining why it was seen in several states.

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Event Data

Event ID 20211201-031754
Date (UTC) Dec. 1, 2021
Time (UTC) 03:17:54
AMS Event 8372-2021
Size 1 ft or 60 lbs
Origin cometary
NASA Camera Start Lat/Lon +35.369, -85.925
NASA Camera End Lat/Lon +35.253, -86.195
NASA Camera Altitude 87.6 km → 35.8 km ( 54.4 miles→ 22.3 miles)
NASA Camera Speed 27.6 km/s (61,900 mph)