Event: 20220209-024244

Numerous eyewitnesses in the states of Texas, Oklahoma, Arkansas and Louisiana filed reports with the American Meteor Society of a bright fireball seen at 8:42 PM Central Standard Time on February 8, 2022 (2022 February 9 2:42 UTC). An analysis of the reports, constrained by data from two publicly accessible cameras in the area, indicates that the meteor first became visible at an altitude of 51 miles above the Texas town of Hico, moving slightly north of west at 25,000 miles per hour. It ablated 23 miles above Wilson, after having traveled a distance of 15 miles through the atmosphere. The speed and brightness of the meteor suggest it was caused by an asteroid fragment approximately 6 inches diameter, weighing around 10 pounds.

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Event Data

Event ID 20220209-024244
Date (UTC) Feb. 9, 2022
Time (UTC) 02:42:44
AMS Event 966-2022
Size 6 in or 10 lbs
Origin asteroidal
NASA Camera Start Lat/Lon +31.925, -97.982
NASA Camera End Lat/Lon +31.959, -98.224
NASA Camera Altitude 82.4 km → 36.9 km ( 51.2 miles→ 22.9 miles)
NASA Camera Speed 11.0 km/s (24,600 mph)