Event: 20220624-024547

On June 23, 2022 at 10:46 PM Eastern Daylight Time (2022 June 24 2:46 UTC), about 50 eyewitnesses in several southeastern states reported seeing a bright fireball. It was detected by 4 NASA meteor cameras in the area. An analysis of the video shows that the object -- a piece of an asteroid about 2 inches in diameter and weighing approximately half a pound -- began to ablate 53 miles above the Smoky Bear Campground, just east of the town of Pittman Center, Tennessee. Moving northwest at 42,000 miles per hour, the meteor only managed to travel some 30 miles through the atmosphere before disintegrating 22 miles above nearby New Market, Tennessee. At its peak, the fireball was about as bright as the Quarter Moon.

NASA Images and Videos

Event Data

Event ID 20220624-024547
Date (UTC) June 24, 2022
Time (UTC) 02:45:47
AMS Event 3572-2022
Size 2 inches 0.5 pound
Origin asteroidal
NASA Camera Start Lat/Lon +35.764, -83.298
NASA Camera End Lat/Lon +36.133, -83.577
NASA Camera Altitude 84.8 km → 35.0 km ( 52.7 miles→ 21.8 miles)
NASA Camera Speed 18.6 km/s (41,600 mph)