Event: 20220727-012717

A bright fireball was observed by eyewitnesses in the states of Michigan, New York, Ohio, Pennsylvania and in the Canadian province of Ontario on Tuesday, July 26 at 9:27 PM Eastern Daylight Time (2022 July 27 1:27 UTC). The event was also detected by 8 all sky cameras belonging to the Southern Ontario Meteor Network (SOMN) and an analysis of the video from these systems has been performed. The meteor first became visible at an altitude of 48 miles above the Toronto suburb of King City, moving south at 49,200 miles per hour. Descending downward at a steep angle of 70 degrees, the object – an asteroidal fragment 8 inches in diameter and weighing some 25 pounds - disintegrated 21 miles above the intersection of 400 and 427 in Toronto. At its brightest, the fireball rivalled a waxing crescent Moon.

Images and Video from Western University's Southern Ontario Meteor Network

Event Data

Event ID 20220727-012717
Date (UTC) July 27, 2022
Time (UTC) 01:27:17
AMS Event 4352-2022
Magnitude -11.0
Size 8 inches
NASA Camera Start Lat/Lon +43.920, -79.519
NASA Camera End Lat/Lon +43.789, -79.545
NASA Camera Altitude 76.7 km → 33.5 km ( 47.6 miles→ 20.8 miles)
NASA Camera Speed 22.1 km/s (49,300 mph)