Event: 20221011-013827

Numerous eyewitnesses in the states of Florida and Georgia reported the sighting of a fireball Monday night at 9:38 Eastern Daylight Time (2022 October 11 1:38 UTC). The meteor was also detected in two NASA all sky meteor cameras located at Kennedy Space Center and the Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University in Daytona; analysis of the video data indicates that object – a 2 inch fragment of Comet Encke weighing about half a pound – began to ablate 57 miles above the Florida town of Bunnell, near the Atlantic coast. It moved just a bit north of west at 61,000 miles per hour, finally disintegrating 23 miles above southeastern Gainesville. The fireball was a member of the currently active South Taurid meteor shower, which peaks around this date. The Taurids have very low hourly rates but are noted for bright meteors.

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Event Data

Event ID 20221011-013827
Date (UTC) Oct. 11, 2022
Time (UTC) 01:38:27
AMS Event 6887-2022
Magnitude -8.5
NASA Camera Start Lat/Lon +29.520, -81.222
NASA Camera End Lat/Lon +29.666, -82.360
NASA Camera Altitude 91.1 km → 37.1 km ( 56.6 miles→ 23.0 miles)
NASA Camera Speed 27.2 km/s (60,900 mph)