Event: 20221104-011450

Over one hundred members of the public in the northeastern states are reporting the sighting of a fireball November 3, 2022 at 9:15 PM Eastern Daylight Time (2022 November 4 1:15 UTC). An analysis of these accounts using constraints provided by internet-accessible cameras in the region shows that the fireball trajectory was entirely over the Atlantic Ocean, starting about 59 miles above a point 23 miles south of Nantucket. It moved south of west at 80,000 miles per hour, covering a total distance of 47 miles before disintegrating at an altitude of 42 miles above the ocean. This meteor was a member of the Taurid meteor shower, which has exhibited increased activity over the past couple of weeks; there are currently many sightings of Taurids over the United States each night.

This particular Taurid fireball was bright enough to be detected by the Geostationary Lightning Mapper onboard the GOES-16 satellite.

Event Data

Event ID 20221104-011450
Date (UTC) Nov. 4, 2022
Time (UTC) 01:14:50
AMS Event 7950-2022
Origin Taurid
Chicken Little Start Lat/Lon +40.942, -70.262
Chicken Little End Lat/Lon +40.785, -71.073
Chicken Little Altitude 95.1 km → 67.7 km ( 59.1 miles→ 42.1 miles)
Chicken Little Speed 35.9 km/s (80,400 mph)