Event: 20221109-030152

Hundreds of observers east of the Mississippi River have filed reports of a very bright fireball that occurred at 10:02 PM Eastern Daylight Time on November 8, 2022 (2022 November 9 3:02 UTC). In fact, it was so bright that it was seen from middle Michigan to central Alabama and from Maryland to Missouri, as well as detected by the Geostationary Lightning Mapper on the GOES-16 satellite. Analysis of the available meteor camera data shows that the meteor was first sighted at an altitude of 61 miles above the Kentucky town of Lancaster, moving northwest towards Mackville at 72,000 miles per hour. It broke apart 40 miles above the hilly terrain west of the town of Nevada. The speed, direction and orbit of this fireball leave no doubt that it belonged to the currently active Taurid meteor shower.

At its peak, the meteor was brighter than the Full Moon, indicating that it was caused by a piece from an ancient comet over a foot in diameter with a weight of about 100 pounds.

NASA Images and Videos

Meteoroid Orbit

Event Data

Event ID 20221109-030152
Date (UTC) Nov. 9, 2022
Time (UTC) 03:01:52
AMS Event 8416-2022
Size 1 ft or 100 lbs
Origin Taurid
NASA Camera Start Lat/Lon +37.648, -84.656
NASA Camera End Lat/Lon +37.725, -84.978
NASA Camera Altitude 98.8 km → 65.3 km ( 61.4 miles→ 40.6 miles)
NASA Camera Speed 32.1 km/s (71,800 mph)