Event: 20231116-010222

Hundreds of eyewitnesses in southern Ontario and the states of Michigan, Indiana, Ohio, West Virginia, Pennsylvania and New York have filed reports of a bright fireball seen at 8:02 PM Eastern Standard Time last evening (November 15). The meteor was first sighted at an altitude of 56 miles above the Canadian town of Port Dover on the north shore of Lake Erie, moving north of east at 30,000 miles per hour. It disintegrated 35 miles above Nelles Corners, after traveling 41 miles through the upper atmosphere. Infrasound detectors in the region put the energy of the breakup at approximately 500 pounds of TNT, which means the object producing the fireball – whose orbit suggests a tiny fragment of an asteroid - weighed around 5 pounds and had a diameter of 5 inches. At its peak, the fireball was midway between a quarter Moon and Full Moon in brightness (magnitude -10). Despite the widespread visibility, it is extremely unlikely that this event produced meteorites.

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Event Data

Event ID 20231116-010222
Date (UTC) Nov. 16, 2023
Time (UTC) 01:02:22
AMS Event 7019-2023
Magnitude -10.0
Size 5 inches
Origin asteroidal
NASA Camera Start Lat/Lon +42.799, -80.200
NASA Camera End Lat/Lon +42.914, -79.974
NASA Camera Altitude 89.9 km → 55.5 km ( 55.8 miles→ 34.5 miles)
NASA Camera Speed 13.4 km/s (30,000 mph)
Notes 5 pounds