Event: 20181017-003555

Numerous eyewitnesses in Florida reported seeing a bright fireball at 8:36 PM Eastern Daylight Time (2018 October 17 00:36 UTC). The meteor was also captured by 3 NASA meteor cameras in the region, and an analysis of their data indicates that the object first became visible at an altitude of 55 miles above Interlachen, moving due west at 45,000 miles per hour. The meteor ablated 26 miles above the west side of Gainesville, by which time it had slowed to 22,000 miles per hour. At its brightest, the fireball - which was caused by a fragment of an asteroid about 2 inches in diameter and weighing 7 ounces - was about two and 1/2 times more luminous than the planet Venus.

NASA Images and Videos

Meteoroid Orbit

Event Data

Event ID 20181017-003555
Date (UTC) Oct. 17, 2018
Time (UTC) 00:35:55
AMS Event 4209-2018
Magnitude -5.0
Size 2 inches
Origin Asteroidal
NASA Camera Start Lat/Lon +29.678, -81.890
NASA Camera End Lat/Lon +29.647, -82.427
NASA Camera Altitude 87.7 km → 41.7 km ( 54.5 miles→ 25.9 miles)
NASA Camera Speed 20.0 km/s (44,700 mph)
Chicken Little Start Lat/Lon +29.455, -81.342
Chicken Little End Lat/Lon +29.433, -83.109
Chicken Little Altitude 72.7 km → 72.7 km ( 45.2 miles→ 45.2 miles)
Chicken Little Speed 59.2 km/s (132,400 mph)