Event: 20181210-215700

Many eyewitnesses along the coasts of Virginia, Maryland, Delaware, New Jersey, and New York reported seeing a bright fireball around 4:57 PM Eastern Standard Time (2018 December 10 21:57 UTC). Analysis of these reports place the first sighting of the meteor at an altitude of 52 miles above the Delaware town of Harbeson, moving a bit north of east at 60,000 miles per hour. The object ablated 45 miles above the Atlantic Ocean, 30 miles to the southeast of Atlantic City. No videos of this event have surfaced as of this time.

Event Data

Event ID 20181210-215700
Date (UTC) Dec. 10, 2018
Time (UTC) 21:57:00
AMS Event 5480-2018
Chicken Little Start Lat/Lon +38.744, -75.292
Chicken Little End Lat/Lon +39.026, -74.078
Chicken Little Altitude 84.1 km → 73.5 km ( 52.3 miles→ 45.7 miles)
Chicken Little Speed 26.9 km/s (60,200 mph)