Event: 20190417-025700

Over 325 members of the public in the mid-Atlantic and northeastern states (DC, DE, MA, MD, NC, NJ, NY, NJ, WV, VT, SC) reported a very bright fireball April 16th 2019 at 10:57 PM Eastern Daylight Time. Numerous videos of the meteor have shown up on social media, and two of these – recorded by widefield cameras operated by amateurs (Mike Hankey and the American Meteor Society) – were suited for use in the analysis of this event. Combining their data with the eyewitnesses accounts place the beginning point of the fireball at 57 miles above the Atlantic coastline, 2 miles east of Island Beach, New Jersey. The meteor proceeded slightly west of south at 56,000 miles per hour, finally ablating 16 miles above the Atlantic Ocean, 50 miles due east of Ocean City, Virginia. The brightness of the fireball (midway between the quarter and Full Moon) and the orbit indicate that it was caused by a piece of a Jupiter family comet about 10 inches in diameter and weighing some 60 pounds.

An animation of the meteoroid’s orbit and approach to Earth is at http://fireballs.ndc.nasa.gov/special/Delaware_meteoroid_animation.avi

Meteoroid Orbit

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Event Data

Event ID 20190417-025700
Date (UTC) April 17, 2019
Time (UTC) 02:57:00
AMS Event 1775-2019
Size 10 inches/60 pounds
Origin Jupiter family comet
NASA Camera Start Lat/Lon +39.806, -74.049
NASA Camera End Lat/Lon +38.348, -74.155
NASA Camera Altitude 93.4 km → 25.1 km ( 58.1 miles→ 15.6 miles)
NASA Camera Speed 24.8 km/s (55,400 mph)
Chicken Little Start Lat/Lon +39.183, -75.215
Chicken Little End Lat/Lon +38.461, -75.165
Chicken Little Altitude 95.2 km → 31.7 km ( 59.1 miles→ 19.7 miles)
Chicken Little Speed 25.8 km/s (57,700 mph)