Event: 20201023-030300

Over 50 members of the general public in the states of Oregon and Washington reported seeing a bright fireball at 8:03 PM Pacific Daylight Time (2020 October 23 3:03 UTC). An analysis of their reports shows that the fireball first became visible at an altitude of 53 miles above the Santiam State Forest in Oregon. Moving to the east of South at 49,000 miles per hour, the fireball travelled 55 miles though the upper atmosphere before ablating 34 miles above Waldo Lake Wilderness.

Event Data

Event ID 20201023-030300
Date (UTC) Oct. 23, 2020
Time (UTC) 03:03:00
AMS Event 6015-2020
Chicken Little Start Lat/Lon +44.565, -122.343
Chicken Little End Lat/Lon +43.850, -122.046
Chicken Little Altitude 84.6 km → 54.2 km ( 52.6 miles→ 33.7 miles)
Chicken Little Speed 22.1 km/s (49,400 mph)